Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emergency Room Trip!

We had a big scare yesterday. My Mom accidentally took Daddy's blood pressure pill and she was feeling all tingly on her right side. I called the Doctor and he said she would be ok to just rest and take a baby aspirin for good measure. The tingling and numbness came back on her three times. She was scared to wait so we went to the emergency room and they took blood, a chest exray and a ekg and a cat scat. She was all ok so they sent her home and she is great today! Long day and a good result! We are so glad! Have a good day and love your family like it's your last chance!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jennie,I have never seen this side of you. Your writting says more than you'll ever know. Hang in there hon, Jehovah is a commin'. He will be making 'all things new'. Happy to hear that Red went to the convention. Your parents are looking good. Thanks for the pics.
