Friday, February 22, 2019

Estero Llano Grande State Park

Hubby and I went to Estero Llano Grande State Park! We are not able to hike but they have a Tram for visitors and it's wonderfully led by volunteer Winter Texans! They are so knowlegable  and friendly! Here's a few pictures I took!
 Above is the Yucca Plant in bloom! The bloom is edible!
 This Cardinal was so bright and the guide told us there is a move to make it a new type cardinal.
 I was taking Cormorant pictures and in post I saw the alligator in the grass!
 Look closely this is a bird I'd never seen nor would I have this time. This is a Common Paraque.
 White-Tailed Rabbit! Above and a Yellow Crowned Night Heron below! This park is wonderful!